US 19 Widening
This project involved the widening of 1.75 miles of US 19 to provide much needed improvements inthe area ofHarrah’s Casino, and was divided into two construction projects to expedite the work directly infront of the casino. The available corridor for the expansion was small due to existing development, an adjacent stream,and topographicconditions. The tight and heavily developed corridor required asymmetrical alignment to minimizeimpacts to adjacentproperties and the stream. The proposed grade constraints were also tight due to close proximityand elevation ofadjacent businesses. Sidewalks were designed on both sides of the roadway, and widened outsidelands were providedto accommodate bicycles. The scope for the casino breakout portion of the US 19 project included the addition of a turn laneand accessmodification to the Harrah’s Casino’s main entrance. The project included roadway design,hydraulic design, sedimentationand erosion control plans, traffic control plans, paintstriping, new signal, signal modification, pedestrian andbicycle enhancements, lighting, utility coordination/design, numerous intersection designs, traffic counts,capacity analysis, access management, geotechnicalinvestigations, contract documents, specifications,special provisions, and final bid documents. The projectrequired coordination with NCDOT and the Casino’sexpansion, and had an accelerated schedule to coincidewith the Casino’s ongoing expansion schedule |