I-40 Overpass Pedestrian Access Retrofits
This contract included a feasibility study, design, and cost estimates to retrofit bridges on six overpasses of I-40 to improve pedestrian safety. Each site was reviewed for the feasibility of providing pedestrian/bicycle access, and recommendations were made prior to proceeding to final design and let. These efforts also included assistance to determine which sites to carry forward since funding was limited(local funding was used for the design and grant monies for the construction). WEI addressed the Council’s specific issues for aesthetics and met with the Appearance Commission for their review and comments on aesthetics. The City decided to proceed with design on three sites: BuckJones Road, Avent Ferry Road, and Rock Quarry Road. The City requested WEI work on a compressed schedule to meet deadlines in their municipal agreement Also included were connections to greenways at several sites, investigation of the use of rail types along the bridges, sidewalk approach work, hydraulics, and associated costs. WEI conducted a preliminary survey of the approved locations, which included planimetric features, above-ground utilities, topography, and property information.
The project was completed and let to construction. WEI then awarded a fourth site (Trailwood Drive) shortly thereafter, which is now completed as well. The scope of services includes feasibility studies, roadway design, surveys, right of way plats, SUE, hydraulic and stormwater design, erosion control, traffic control, permitting, utility coordination, signal design, contract specification, estimates, structural design, coordination with NCDOT, and coordination with the ongoing I-40 rehabilitation project. |