B-5004, Reynolds Park Road Bridge Replacements

The scope for this project involved planning, surveys, roadway, hydraulics, FEMA flood studies, utility design and coordination, permitting, erosion control, structures, traffic control with pedestrian access for an existing greenway, and pavement marking plans for the replacement of Bridge No. 86 over Salem Creek, and Bridge No. 87 over Brushy Fork Creek on Reynolds Park Road (0.225 miles). The bridges were replaced in their existing locations while traffic was maintained along an off site detour. The replacements were coordinated to maintain access to properties between the structures.

This project was a federally funded bridge replacement located next to the Winston-Salem State University campus, requiring coordination with an existing University parking facility. The project also involved coordination with a greenway located beneath Bridge No. 87, and extensive utility and rail conflicts. The pedestrian and bicycle traffic on the existing greenway crossing underneath Bridge No. 87 was detoured off site during construction. The project also included the replacement of a total of 710 LF of 6” restrained joint DIP waterline.

Both Brushy Fork Creek and Salem Creek are located in FEMA Flood Hazard Zones and required No Rise/No Impact Certifications and City of Winston Salem Floodplain Development Permits. The survey services for this project included boundary, topographic, wetlands, property, easement and right of way research and staking, easement acquisition plat preparation, and design survey mapping.


City of Winston-Salem, NC


Winston-Salem, NC


B-5004, Reynolds Park Road Bridge ReplacementsB-5004, Reynolds Park Road Bridge ReplacementsB-5004, Reynolds Park Road Bridge ReplacementsB-5004, Reynolds Park Road Bridge ReplacementsB-5004, Reynolds Park Road Bridge Replacements